I think Marty Roberts tested the "G" limits a few times,but I don't think
the KR would be a very good acrobatics airplane.You may get away with a few
rolls or a big loop,but beyond that I would think your pushing it.There was
somebody I can't remember who it was,but he said he done acrobatics in his
all the time.You might check the archives.This is just my opinion someone
else might disagree,but if they have not done it I would let them prove it
before I tried it.Then again I'm under the opinion that the wheels were put
on the bottom of the airplane for a reason...to always point down...Bob

> Of all the KR's registered, does anyone know of a KR that is certified to
> acrobatics?  I can't even recall anyone who has tested the plans stated g
> limit of +6 and _4
> Orma
> Southfield, MI
> N110LR Tweety, old enough to drink this year
> Flying and more flying, to the gathering or bust
> http://www.kr-2.aviation-mechanics.com/
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