Bill Clapp wrote:

> About in flight pics Mark - does a digital movie work well for taking one
> frame for a photo?

I've never seen a frame taken out of a movie that worked well.  I'll be
happy to take more flying KR pictures this year, out of the window of my KR
or the back of the TriPacer, or something, but it'll be hard to take the
formation photo with me in it!  Whoever takes it needs a decent camera, or
can borrow mine.

> Speaking of the gathering,  maybe we
> will have to convince William Wynne to fly the 601 to the gathering and
do some
> sort of College.   It would bring some interest and help  promote the
> and installation issues.

Maybe a one hour presentation or something, but I don't think the Gathering
is the place for the full-blown Corvair College experience.  Too much of two
good things at once!  And I don't think we have to worry about promoting the
Corvair in the KR....the engine's speaking for itself already.  But WW is
certainly welcome to visit.  I guess it's Larry's call anyway, since he's
the host this year...

Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama
see KR2S project N56ML at
email to N56ML "at"

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