----- Original Message ----- From: "Colin & Bev Rainey" <crain...@cfl.rr.com> To: <kr...@mylist.net> Sent: Monday, May 30, 2005 7:16 PM Subject: KR> Power on approaches
> Just a side note about approaches. > When I was first being taught to fly back in 1979 and 1980 (wow that makes me feel old!) > > Colin > KSFB Like Colin says, I was taught to fly in 1976 and never really mastered the Cessna 150/172 crosswind landings until I got my Inst.Rating in my PA-28 Arrow much later. The key to the landing was the Stabilized Approach on the ILS. Having the power set to the 90kt configuration for the approach and the decent rate and the speed on target made my landings very consistent. I now use the numbers and configuration for all my landings in then 182 I fly and you just can't argue with the results, not always a squeeker, but always predicable. With this in mind, I'm sure that what folks here are saying in this thread, is to set up a power on stabalized constant decent rate approach and the landing, with consideration for the crosswind, will be predicable even in the KR. John Roffey KR2S Someday Fort Gratiot, MI