Their is some variations to the following procedure but basically it's 
I have added the following steps in my practice.
2a. I allow the slurry to cure.
2b. Sand and fill voids, sand and smooth out surfaces to near final finish.
4a.Add peal-ply cloth over the fiberglass.
If you want to have a superior finish these my help.
You will eventually find what is best for your taste after a few tries.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dubi Gefen" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, August 22, 2005 1:01 PM
Subject: KR> Procedure to cover glass cloth on foam.

> Hello Krnet members!
> I would like to understanding the glassing procedure on foam.
> Follow the procedure as I understanding.
> 1. Sending the foam.
> 2. Cover/squeegee over the foam with slurry (Micro + epoxy)
> 3. Cover the wet slurry with glass cloth.
> 4. Cover over the glass cloth with pure epoxy and squeegee off any
> excess epoxy.
> 5. Wait two day, when all the slurry/epoxy is dry.
> 6. Sending the surface area.
> 7. Use macro slurry to fill in unsmooth area.
> My question:
>      A. This process is correct? If not please correct me.
>      B. This process suitable to all area with foam like:
> Wings, Horizontal stabilizer, Elevator, Vertical stab and so on?
>      C. Within the "Book Plan" of the KR-2 mentioned, Micro beads is
> totally non structural.
>           How this instruction related to the cover of the wings foam
> with Micro beads and then covers with glass cloth?
> Waiting to confirmation or correction.
> Regards
> Dubi Gefen.

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