This comments can not be stated any better. 
Thank you all, for serving and protecting us all, for or against. 
Americans do not take war lightly.
The only option [ever] is win.

P.S. Hope to see you at the gathering.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "pole shed" <>
To: "KRnet" <>
Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 12:59 PM
Subject: Re: KR> Thanks 

>I was priviledged to serve with the Marines for 27
> years. I am a Nam vet, and my son lost his eye in Iraq
> last year. We both know several Marines who gave the
> ultimate sacrifice.  After you face death and escape,
> the rest is rather paltry and tame by comparason. I am
> a combat vet, but I still feel like I owe these young
> professionals a lot of respect.
> Larry Lipe, MSgt, USMC (Ret)
> Carbondale, IL
> 75 miles from the gathering...
> --- Ray Fuenzalida <> wrote:
>> That kind of almost casual bravery is
>> incomprehensible
>> to most of us.  It is amazing the way this young man
>> changed throughout that time from a large boy to a
>> full fledged Marine.  When we think of professional
>> soldiers we always think of grown men and women.  In
>> reality they are mostly kids.  If anything we should
>> be even prouder of them.
>> Ray
>> New Orleans

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