>> I think this is one of those "problem childs" according to the FAA.  You
>> can't register it Exp, amateur built, because you can't prove you built it
>> (51% rule) and it stalls to fast to meet Sport Pilot rules.  Bob U.

If you are referring to the kr for sale on e-bay, the buyer should be
able to register it Exper, amateur built, as you can't buy a factory
built KR.  The buyer should obtain proof from the seller showing it
was amateur built, photos, receipts, etc.  If you can't show proof 
that YOU are the builder then you can't apply for the mechanics 
license for that KR and will have to find an A&P to sign off the 
"annual condition inspection".  I've heard of people trying to pass 
themselves off to the FAA as the builder and really got nailed to 
the wall for doing so.  The buyer would still be able to do all his 
own maintenance throughout the year.   And you're right, it probably 
won't qualify to be flown with a Sport Pilot license.

I'm sure more knowledgable netters could speak to this situation.
How about it Jeff Scott?

Larry Flesner

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