Jack and all,

Regarding your push rod design, and please take every thing I say with a
grain of salt, or at your own risk.  but I am in the push rod business and
have been designing them for nearly 25 years and I am a month or two away
from creating my own set of push rods and control stick for the KR2S I am
building (elevator only), the problem I have is that I am 6'1" and want my
back side as low to the fuselage skin as I can get it to keep from banging
my head on the canopy.  This means that if I use a straight push rod all the
way back it will sit near my hip, and we all know we do not have much to
spare there either.  So a series of push rods is needed to get it low
between the spars and then back up the elevator horn.

I am planning to model up my own design in the next few weeks and will
gladly share it for scrutiny with the net group.

Have you done any load testing with the bent (joggled) rod in compression? I
would be concerned about it bending under maximum input load and suggest if
you have not done some testing you should, pin the down stream bell crank
and see what your Pull up and miss the mountain force is and is it deforms
the bent push rod or not.

I just be saw  something that looked a little skinny on the column bucking
side,  it may be perfectly fine, but for every one that is looking at push
rod designs,  even your straight push rod designs should be analyzed and
proven by test to be safe.

Jim Mullen
KR2S Everett Washington

-----Original Message-----
From: Jack Cooper [mailto:kr2coo...@earthlink.net] 
Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2005 8:28 AM
To: brokerpilot9...@earthlink.net, KRnet
Subject: RE: KR> Pushtube control

Here is how I did a control tube elevator. 
(Near the bottom of page.) I had considered using control tube ailerons and
actually making flaperons but after several attempts decided I was wasting
too much time and money.

Jack Cooper

> [Original Message]
> From: Colin Rainey <brokerpilot9...@earthlink.net>
> To: <kr...@mylist.net>
> Date: 9/22/2005 8:56:56 AM
> Subject: KR> Pushtube control
> Peter
> I have push tube control for my KR2 from the dual stick assembly all the
way to the elevator horn with a transfer bell crank approximately 12 inches
behind the seat/rear spar.  It is also drilled to allow for the same and
reduced deflection with same total movement at the elevator, but more at
the stick to de-tune the sensitivity of the KR elevator.  I really like how
positive it feels, and am reassured with each pre-flight that I made a good
choice.  Pictures are on the web page, on the krnet.
> Colin Rainey
> brokerpilot9...@earthlink.net
> EarthLink Revolves Around You.
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