Control stops should be at the input end. Compression and tension
would be minimum, Virg

On Thu, 22 Sep 2005 11:14:46 -0700 Jim Mullen <>
> Jack and all,
> Regarding your push rod design, and please take every thing I say 
> with a
> grain of salt, or at your own risk.  but I am in the push rod 
> business and
> have been designing them for nearly 25 years and I am a month or two 
> away
> from creating my own set of push rods and control stick for the KR2S 
> I am
> building (elevator only), the problem I have is that I am 6'1" and 
> want my
> back side as low to the fuselage skin as I can get it to keep from 
> banging
> my head on the canopy.  This means that if I use a straight push rod 
> all the
> way back it will sit near my hip, and we all know we do not have 
> much to
> spare there either.  So a series of push rods is needed to get it 
> low
> between the spars and then back up the elevator horn.
> I am planning to model up my own design in the next few weeks and 
> will
> gladly share it for scrutiny with the net group.
> Have you done any load testing with the bent (joggled) rod in 
> compression? I
> would be concerned about it bending under maximum input load and 
> suggest if
> you have not done some testing you should, pin the down stream bell 
> crank
> and see what your Pull up and miss the mountain force is and is it 
> deforms
> the bent push rod or not.
> I just be saw  something that looked a little skinny on the column 
> bucking
> side,  it may be perfectly fine, but for every one that is looking 
> at push
> rod designs,  even your straight push rod designs should be analyzed 
> and
> proven by test to be safe.
> Jim Mullen
> KR2S Everett Washington
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jack Cooper [] 
> Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2005 8:28 AM
> To:, KRnet
> Subject: RE: KR> Pushtube control
> Peter        
> Here is how I did a control tube elevator. 
> (Near the bottom of page.) I had considered using control tube 
> ailerons and
> actually making flaperons but after several attempts decided I was 
> wasting
> too much time and money.
> Jack Cooper
> > [Original Message]
> > From: Colin Rainey <>
> > To: <>
> > Date: 9/22/2005 8:56:56 AM
> > Subject: KR> Pushtube control
> >
> > Peter
> > I have push tube control for my KR2 from the dual stick assembly 
> all the
> way to the elevator horn with a transfer bell crank approximately 12 
> inches
> behind the seat/rear spar.  It is also drilled to allow for the same 
> and
> reduced deflection with same total movement at the elevator, but 
> more at
> the stick to de-tune the sensitivity of the KR elevator.  I really 
> like how
> positive it feels, and am reassured with each pre-flight that I made 
> a good
> choice.  Pictures are on the web page, on the krnet.
> >
> >
> > Colin Rainey
> >
> > EarthLink Revolves Around You.
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Virgil N. Salisbury - AMSOIL
Miami ,Fl

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