RE: DON"T FLY DIFFERENTLY just because you are in your plane, or no one is
with you to critique you, or your confidence says you know the plane well. 

I hope everyone is paying attention. One of the reasons that I decided to
sell my first KR was because I was making mistakes that would have ended up
costing me my life. The reason for making these mistakes was due to my
familiarity with the aircraft. I knew that I should be following procedure,
but I knew the plane so well that I kept skipping them. I am speaking of the
checklists. I did not use any. 

You say that is dumb, well it is. It is also not a good reason for selling
your plane, but it is a good reason for an attitude adjustment. I feel very
fortunate to have a partner like Jerry, because I know that he will keep me
in line, as I will him. This time, I not only owe it to myself and my family
 I owe it to him also.

See N64KR at - Then click on the pics 

See you in Mt. Vernon - 2006 - KR Gathering

There is a time for building and a time for FLYING and the time for building
is OVER.

Daniel R. Heath - Lexington, SC

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