All... I need an opinion about filling some holes in the spars and 

The landing gear is a spring bar made out of about .75 Al. The spring bar 
mounts to the spar using an "L" bracket made out of 3/4 AL.  This L bracket 
is mounted to the back of the spar with 6 .25 AN bolts.

I would like to know if anyone would see a problem with pulling the bolts 
out filling the hole with .25 dowel and gluing it in with some type of 
epoxy. I want to mount the landing gear a little firther in  so that the 
gear does not extend out past the wing stubbs. This will also allow me to 
mount the gear onto the front of the spar getting rid of some unnecessary 
weight of the nose gear and all the supporting hardware.. I figure about 
20lbs all tole, and turning it into a taildragger.

The engine I bought came with a motor mount that came off of a KR2.. but the 
bolt paterns that are existing on the plane does not match up wiht that of 
the mount. The holes on the plane are just about to the main longarons, the 
mount pn the engine is at the stock locations.
My options are this... rebuild a new motor mount to match that of my 
airframe or fill the holes as I would the spars ... and redrill to match the 
new motor mount.

thank you in advance,


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