William The type 1 motor does not have a seal at that end of the motor. It has an internal slinger. The pulley (in this case the prop hub) also has a shallow screw thread cut into it that "pumps" the oil back into the motor much like an archemedes screw pump. Regards Dene Collett KR2SRT builder South africa Whisper assembler See: www.whisperaircraft.com
mailto: av...@telkomsa.net ----- Original Message ----- From: "Scott William" <scot...@yahoo.com> To: "KRnet" <kr...@mylist.net> Sent: Friday, December 16, 2005 21:39 Subject: Re: KR> aerovee question > Just my $.02..... > > Are you sure the hub isn't exiting THE SEAL off > center? I've seen this before. You may just have a > damaged/mis-installed seal. >