Dick wrote:

> Since you have been the whole course, perhaps you can share with us your 
> entry and landing techniques.

The way I land is apparently not the "recommended" way, but I have to land 
pretty quick on the short bumpy airport that I fly out of (2600' x 40'). 
Even Troy gets antsy when he has to land there. And since I have split 
flaps, I'm probably the only guy this procedure applies to.

I fly about a 1200' pattern and try to be doing 110-120mph on downwind when 
I get to the end of the runway.  At that point I cut it back to 1600 rpm or 
so and start slowing and descending until I get to the 45 degree point from 
the end of the runway, then turn base. Hopefully I'm doing about 100 mph at 
this point.  If it looks like I might be high I'll drop the flaps, or if I'm 
low I'll wait on flaps, and add or pull power as necessary.  I try to 
maintain 90 while turning final, and most of the way to the ground, then end 
up doing a little less over the end of the runway.  The split flaps keep 
slowing me down as I cross the end of the runway and get in ground effect, 
and often I notice that my touchdown is in the high sixties according to the 

 Since it's a wheel landing, I really don't do that much of a flare...just 
enough to break the descent and try to gradually touch down.  Sometimes I 
end up three pointing the thing.  I guess I operate in the range just 
between wheel landings and full stall landings.  As soon as the wheels 
touch, I give it some forward stick to plant it and then hold the tail up 
until I'm below flying speed, or start to run out of runway (that's pretty 
rare though).  Then full stick back and brake, if necessary.  I usually 
don't touch the brakes at all though.

I'm sure everybody that knows anything about flying will disagree with this 
technique, but it works for me.   I have no business telling anybody how to 
land a KR., but I did about 8 landings yesterday, and the g-meter was still 
sitting on 1g when I landed, so I'm good enough for KR work...

Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama
see KR2S project N56ML at http://home.hiwaay.net/~langford
email to N56ML "at" hiwaay.net 

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