>   I try to
>maintain 90 while turning final, and most of the way to the ground, then end
>up doing a little less over the end of the runway.  The split flaps keep
>slowing me down as I cross the end of the runway and get in ground effect,
>Mark Langford

I'll agree with Jeff Scott that your landing technique is the most comfortable
and repeatable way to land a KR.  It appears that every pilots approach is as
different as their KR's.  I'm generally not too concerned with my downwind
speed although it's usually in the 140 mph range.  I hate to loiter and wear
out my engine in the pattern.  When I'm abeam the numbers on downwind
I try to be in the 110 to 120 range,  slowing to 100mph on the turn to base.

Once on the base leg I may bring down some speed brake or , most often,
I'll throw the brake out on the turn to final.  That  brings the speed down to
90 really quick and I generally have to add a touch of power to keep the
decent rate from getting too high.  I then shoot for 80 mph at the 1/4 mile
final point and 70 mph over the numbers.  A slightly tail low wheel landing
and then plant it on with forward stick.  Once I can't hold the tail up I plant
it with full back stick and can start braking.

Like you, on shorter grass strips, I make the flare and then let it settle on
in a nearly level wheel landing.  The grass slows it pretty quickly and if
done correctly, you can get some really smooth landings that impress
the hangar bums watching.

Speaking of landings,  I made a flight yesterday and had my new digital
camera along.  I shot 9 minutes of video including the landing.  One thing
I noted that we have discussed before is visibility in landing.  My camera
was setting on top of the instrument panel with no riser so was looking
across the top surface of the cowl. With my speed brake, the touchdown
point was in site for the entire approach including the flare.  My eye level
is probably 6"'s above that so you can imagine the view I have on the
approach.   Adding drag to the KR for landings changes it from a tiger
into a pussy cat !!

Merry Christmas everyone..............

Larry Flesner

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