      What an experience.  I too am thankful that the Lord was with you
and brought you through it safely.
      Praise God,
                                                          Ray Goree 
Arlington, Texas
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "william walsh" <ru4fly...@yahoo.com>
To: "KRnet" <kr...@mylist.net>
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 9:32 PM
Subject: Re: KR> Jailbird

I was the pilot of the the kr that went down 395jt. Not sure what happen to 
the fuel
  but had more then 2 hrs of it  in the plane before I went down. I have 
been on the net
  for many years had have had 4 different kr's and have seen and head of a 
lot of crashes and people that have died but never did I think that  it 
would happen to me. I always fly high as a rule of thumb and that paid off 
as I all most did not make the island. If I had not turned when I did I 
would have been crab bait or would have been killed by the trees. I will 
share more as I find out what happened to the fuel I will also share some 
pics. I can tell you now that I have looked death in the eyes and it did not 
look good and thankful that my good lord was looking over me that day. Had I 
been  25 ft lower i would have not been here today to talk about it. I hope 
that some day the findings of the crash will help save some ones life just 
as mine was saved. Will keep all posted sorry that it took me so long but to 
be honest I really did not want to talk to anyone for the last few days. I 
think that the plane might have a chance but will take some work  I can't 
believe that the wings did
 not get hurt. I am not sure if I will fix it or just sell it. I have a lot 
to think about with a family of 7. Will keep all posted and will find a way 
to put a link to my yahoo pics. For now.
  William Walsh

I got this from a friend on the Quickie e-mail list. Anyone know
anything about who the pilot might be?

Larry Flesner

Yesterday, a KR-2 pilot landed in jail here in the Puget Sound.

William left Olympia for Tacoma on a flight over Puget Sound via McNeil
Island - a state prison. He had 7 gallons on board verified by sight gage,
electric fuel gage, and visual sighting thru a gas cap. After 15 minutes of
flight time, he ran out of fuel and had to make an emergency landing in a
cleared field on the island.

The engine is a Revmaster with Revflow carburetor. There is only a header
tank with 14 gallons capacity. There is a fuel tank vent under the airplane
similar to the Q2.

He cleared the trees on the high point and landed on an upslope. When the
nose gear touched, it broke off and the airplane pitch poled onto it's back
landing on the canopy and the tail. The canopy frame held and the vertical
fin broke. William was not injured but complained of soreness and
stiffness. He had a 4 point harness. The canopy plastic broke and William
crawled out. There was no fire. There was no fuel on board and there was
no evidence of fuel leakage.

I helped William recover his airplane with some friends and relatives. The
guards had helped William right and disassemble his airplane when we got

The NTSB did not come out but will examine the airplane at Williams place.

Access was by the prison barge which is pushed by a tug and manned by prison
inmates. We were prohibited from talking to the inmates. We used a 16 foot
trailer. We were escorted by a guard during the recovery. There is no news
in the papers about the accident as the entire event occurred on state

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