Every time I hear about the metric verses the American inch feet thing, (as
it is being called here), It reminds me of way back in the 6th grade.

Wow, I think that was like back in the 70's, or in metric would that be the
1778.00 's or maybe 1.77800's or 5.83333's or 1.94444 's. Oh well the 70's
sounds much easier for me.

But anyway,  In the 6th grade or is that the 152.400th  grade or the
.15240th grade or the or the .16667 th grade in metric. Oh I digress. Well
that teacher I had back then. Mrs. Alexander. She told us that it was only a
matter of a short time before the U.S. would be adopting the metric system.
As she told it, the metric system was a much more accurate way of
measurement and that the U.S. was losing a lot of money in trade due to the
difference in the measuring systems.

Well that was some 762.00 metric years ago and we ain't switched over yet.
Or was that .76200 metric years ago, or was that .83333 metric years ago.

Dang I'm getting confused. Why isn't there a metric calendar and metric
years. Dang it all, here we are calculating time on the same dang system we
calculate U.S. measurements on. The system of 12. Twelve inches make a foot,
and 12 months make a year and so on. Why ain't there 304.800 metric days in
a year and .30480 metric months in a year and .33333 metric weeks in a year.
Wouldn't it be that way if we really adopted the metric system ?

Who came up with that metric system anyway?

Just having fun with ya,

Jeff York
KR-2 Flying
Home page  http://web.qx.net/jeffyork40/
My KR-2       http://web.qx.net/jeffyork40/Airplane/   to see my KR-2
Email             jeffyor...@qx.net

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "3343V" <33...@swbell.net>
To: "KRnet" <kr...@mylist.net>
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 3:29 PM
Subject: Re: KR> inch

> Quique Alvarez wrote:
> > I *HATE* the inch, feet.......
> >
> > I am study the plans of the kr2-s.....
> >
> > When do the Americans change their metric system????????
> God willing, never. It would take me 20 years to change the way I think of
> measurements.
> -- 
> Steve
> 33...@swbell.net
> N3343V- '75 C150M
> N205FT- KR1 #6170
> He who seeks will find, and he who knocks will be let in.
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