Typical.  Everything has to be perfect and built three times while the plane
is under construction. Once the fun of flying a KR is experienced it takes a
wing falling off before you want to stop! :)

I got the annual on my Clipper done yesterday and flew it for the first time
this morning.  I went to the airport early this morning because a cold front
was going to come through early this afternoon and give us gusty and rainy
weather the rest of the weekend.  I flew about a mile east of the airport
and did some stalls at 4,000' and got used to the plane before I started
heading back for some touch and gos.

I was enjoying the scenery and noticed that things were moving a little
slower than in my Stang.  Wait a minute, they are moving a lot slower.  A
few minutes more and it seems like I have not gone anywhere.  I looked at
the strut along a parallel road to make sure that I was really going
somewhere and noticed that the cars were going faster than me and it was
only a 45 MPH road.  Hmmm, there was about a 12 Knot wind when I took off
ten minutes ago, can't be that much of a headwind.  I started having visions
of my wife yelling at me on our first trip somewhere when it takes longer
than we could have drove.  Anyway, I got back and checked the weather and
they were reporting a 52 Knot direct head wind at 3,000'.  I have never seen
anything like that before.

Brian Kraut
Engineering Alternatives, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: krnet-boun...@mylist.net [mailto:krnet-boun...@mylist.net]On
Behalf Of Mark Langford
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2006 7:33 PM
To: KRnet
Subject: Re: KR> water in the fuel?

Ron Smith wrote:

>  Did you have the crank checked out after the prop strike?

If you mean did I tear it out and magnaflux it, no.  It's a wooden prop, it
was idling, and the engine didn't even quit when it hit.  I'm simply not
worried about it, although I AM trying to speed up the 3100cc engine that
will replace it.  Runout of the reinstalled prop was about 1/32" without any
effort other than a normal torquing, which is close for KR work, as far as
I'm concerned.  Once the new engine is in, I'll tear it out and magnaflux

Mark Langford, Harvest, AL
see homebuilt airplane at http://www.N56ML.com
email to N56ML "at" hiwaay.net

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