3343V wrote:

>If it wasn't the middle of the night I would have dropped 40 
>flaps and flew backwards for a while ;)

Many years ago, when I was first getting my private license, my 
instructor and I went flying on a very windy day. While up in the air, 
he asked if I had ever flown backwards. I said I hadn't, so he had me 
point the nose into the wind, pull the power back, and put out full 
flaps. We slowed to near zero, and then he had me pull a bit more power 
off. We flew backwards for a bit, probably only a few seconds, but it 
seemed longer. The stall horn bleeped a few times, but it sure impressed 
me that airspeed and ground speed are NOT the same thing.


David, kb0zke
Rev. 2:10c

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