At 07:57 AM 2/12/2006, you wrote:
>Have been checking out Jabiru. Has anyboby used a Jab 6 in there KR2


I can understand your excitement on starting a new project but many of
the answers you are looking for are out there in one form or another
if you'll spend a little time surfing the web.  The krnet e-mail archives
are another good source of information.

Start at

and visit the many different builders sites.  Look at the pictures taken
at the last several KR Gatherings and you will see a picture of
a 6 cylinder Jab in a KR.  Give it some time.  You won't acquire all of
your information and understanding overnight.  The aircraft that your
KR becomes is limited more by your imagination than possibilities.

Good Luck

Larry Flesner

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