Jim Vance wrote:

> I have ordered the solenoid from Wicks, but I'm having a problem coming up
> with a source for the injector nozzle.  Where did you get yours?

Also from Wicks:
and you'll also need
http://www.wicksaircraft.com/catalog/product_cat.php/subid=920/index.html , 
which should be silver soldered (possible with a propane torch) to solder 
the "code fittings" to the 1/8" copper line.

I agree with Brian that the closer to the carb you put the nozzle, the 
greater the fire hazard.  Mine go directly into the intake manifold "log" 
that we have on the Corvair, so no chance of that, but that way I'm not 
feeding all six cylinders either.  Everything's a compromise.  Erring on the 
side of safety is probably not a bad idea...

Mark Langford, Harvest, AL
see homebuilt airplane at http://www.N56ML.com
email to N56ML "at" hiwaay.net 

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