Heat will soften locktite...........

> I had no problem taking the flywheel off when I got the engine back from
> Steve, using the flywheel lock.  When I took the "short block" to have it
> torn down, the mechanic simply held the flywheel with his hand, and took
> off
> the nut with an air wrench hammer thingy.  I think Mark called it a
> "stutter
> gun" or something like that.  It was torqued to over 217 # and put on with
> loktite.  It came off with no problem.
> See N64KR at http://KRBuilder.org - Then click on the pics
> See you in Mt. Vernon - 2006 - KR Gathering
> There is a time for building and a time for FLYING and the time for
> building
> is OVER.
> Daniel R. Heath - Lexington, SC
> -------Original Message-------
>  I used the flywheel lock
> that Steve sells, but I had no way to hold the engine case.
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