Sorry guys, need to correct this. The army does run essentially one fuel -
JP8. It is a diesel fuel with a certain higher testing standard for
aircraft. It can not be used in spark ignition engines.  The army runs
primarily JP8 in all equipment. The army has very few engines which use
mogas, only small generators and leased/owned-civilian vehicles. We still
need to have some Mogas for these.

My KR2-S is in final stages of sanding and finishing. Going well. I should
have it at the airport for DAR inspection end of June or early July.

Rob Schmitt (National Guard Colonel, logistics)

Kansas City, Mo

Message: 11

Date: Sat, 27 May 2006 06:53:46 -0500

From: D F Lively <>

Subject: Re: KR> Ethanol

To: KRnet <>

Message-ID: <>

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1


Gleaned from new accounts it has came to my attention that the military uses

grade of diesel fuel that fuels everything from HumVees to aircraft.  Of

they do it for logistical reasons.  This fact came to my attention in a news

report where in the background I observed a "Chopper" land near a fuel

and the driver finished fueling a "Hum Vee" and then went over and proceeded

fuel the chopper from the same hose.


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