
At what level of exposure?   Just take common sense precations RE: ventilation
and skin contact.  As Home builder of a KR I doubt strongly if you would get
enough to be a problem if you are reasonably prudent.

What about the danger to rats from places other than Calif. <Grins>

I know something of the extreme way they do things out there from 20 plus years
in plant engining exp. in CA.

A lot of over-blown BS to wade through!

Burlington IA 52601

3343V wrote:

> Donald Reid wrote:
> >
> > The chemical reaction is different for polyester based products.  The
> > catalyst (methyl ethyl ketone)  causes the resin to form a series of
> > long chemical chains.  More catalyst makes the reaction happen faster.
> MEKP, methyl ethyl ketone peroxide, is the catalyst for polyester. MEK is a
> solvent known to cause death in lab rats in California ;)
> --
> Steve
> N3343V- '75 C150M
> N205FT- KR1 #6170
> He who seeks will find, and he who knocks will be let in.
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