On Mon, 19 Jun 2006 20:24:14 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) "Dan Heath"
<da...@alltel.net> writes:
> This morning, I went out early to get in some taxi time while it was 
> still a
> bit cool.  The cowl is back on, but the spinner was still off and 
> the radio
> was not connected, so I only went to the end of the runway and back. 
>  The
> plane handles extremely well on the ground and the temps never 
> approached
> their limits.  By the time I got back to the hangar, the oil temp 
> was
> starting to come up, so I applied full brakes and throttle.  It 
> turned 3000
> and the brakes held, so I lifted the tail a few times and held it in 
> take
> off attitude for a little while.  It responded to elevator, exactly 
> the way
> I thought it would, from what I remember from the first KR.  When I 
> pulled
> back to idle, it turned over very smoothly at 600 RPM.
> Tonight, I put on the spinner and re-ran the wires to the radio, so 
> tomorrow
> I can do some more taxi runs and check out the radio.  I might be 
> getting
> close. 
Dan , 
        You got my heart pounding just reading this. I can hardly wait to
hear more .
Joe Horton, Coopersburg, PA.

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