Congratulations go out to PETE BRAUTIGAM of Wisconsin. He made his first flight 
in his Corvair powered KR-2S (N936PB) this morning at 7:15 am. Pete stated the 
flight  went very well and the plane flew great. He was in the air for about 25 
minutes when he seen his oil temps hit 262°F per the EIS. This concerned him so 
he decided to terminate the flight. Pete made one practice approach to land, 
went around and made the landing. Pete stated the wheel landing was smooth but 
the KR did not want to land.  Pete said he used all 5000' of runway to get the 
KR stopped. Once he was on the taxiway, he realized he forgot to use his flaps. 
I bet he stops a lot quicker next time. Pete's Corvair engine was special built 
by William Wynne as a clockwise rotation engine. Pete would like to know what 
you Corvair guys think about his 262° oil temps? For you KR guys, Pete said he 
is definitely flying his KR to the Gathering. Pete is not on the Net, so if you 
would like to congratulate him his e-mail is 

Mark Jones
Mueller Sales Corp.
3725 N. 126th Street
Brookfield, WI  53005

PH: 262-781-5310
Fax: 262-781-4130

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