Did you check to see if you had accidentally pulled on the carb heat lever? or 
intake system is still in tact?
  Mixture lever?
  Fuel Valve? Fuel flow?
  Larry H.

Dan Heath <da...@alltel.net> wrote:
  It was almost noon before the ceiling lifted enough for me to feel safe to
go flying today. I kept listening to ASOS and they were announcing that the
density altitude was something like 1200 feet above what we normally are. I
don't know why that seemed important to me, and am still not very sure. 

So, I cranked her up and taxied to the end of 13 and did my run-up. For
some reason, I just could not get a good feeling about the way the engine
was running but could not identify anything that could be wrong. I checked
for full power, 3000 RPM, that is all I can depend on for static. 
Everything was technically OK, so I departed. The takeoff was textbook,
except for the slight wing drop just after lift off, which is my signature

The climb out seemed good and the trim tab that I added was working so good
that I could take my hand off the stick and she would keep the nose at an 85
MPH climb. Then when I began my turn to downwind, I glanced at the RPM and
noticed that it was only at 2500. I checked, and I had not changed it. So
I decided that I better head for home. All other indications were that
everything was OK. I was landing on 13, which I always chop off really
short, and with my concern over the RPM, I think I cut it even shorter. The
result of that was that I could not get down, for being too high and so went
around. On climb out, it still would not get more than 2500 RPM, and I am
thinking that the engine isn't sounding so good. All the other indications
were that everything was good.

I had gotten the attention of James and the others on the ground and he
called to ask what the problem was. I told him that I was not developing
full power. I came around and made another bad approach, too high. I had
used up about 1/4 of the 5000 foot runway and decided that I had to go
around again. This is not something you want to do when you think your
engine is "limping" along. So I pushed in the power and the engine almost
died. I quickly pulled back to idle an mentally told it, that it was going
on the ground. I must have been 600 feet above the runway at that time, so
I put in full left aileron and a lot of right rudder. James told me that
since I had power, I should go around again. I am sure he was right, but
now she is dropping like a rock and I was committed to this decision. 

I had to remind myself not to give too much forward stick, which I have a
tendency to do when I am too high and when I am slipping. I had picked up a
little speed and don't remember much from that point to the time I am
getting the wheels on the pavement. Yes, pavement. Actually, I touched
the pavement so smoothly that I don't even remember it, but I did know that
I had to get the tail up or I would be flying again because I could sense
that I was going quite fast.

Now, the tail on this plane does not like to stay up, so I ended up flying
again and having to land it again. The end of the runway was coming up very
quickly, so I am working the rudder like mad and lightly working the brakes,
with the tail up, to try to get her slowed down enough to get the tail down.
Finally, just as I crossed the displaced threshhold, the tail came down, I
stuck it, and applied full braking.

Another landing without incident. Everything that went up, on and in the
plane, came down it it's same relative place. I don't think that I will be
flying again soon. I need to take some time to figure out why this engine
ran perfectly on Sunday, and today it seemed sick. Where is my Corvair. I
need to go find that thing and get it finished.

See N64KR at http://KRBuilder.org - Then click on the pics 
See you at the 2007 - KR Gathering
There is a time for building and a time for FLYING and the time for Flying
has begun.
Daniel R. Heath - Lexington, SC
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