Well, I originally planned to build a plenum behind the oil cooler and duct
it to a venturi on the bottom of the cowl.  Then one of guys at the airport,
who's opinion I greatly respect, convinced me to make an "air grabber" of
sorts, and force the air into a plenum in front of the oil cooler.  I tried
every way I could and could not find enough room to put the intake hose into
the plenum, or to route and secure the intake hose where it would get a lot
of air.  So, back to the first plan, and figure out the venturi as the
plenum was already configured.  Well, that was getting very complicated as
there is not much room inside the cowling, due to  the crossover exhaust.  

So, I decided to put two 2" aluminum tubes through the bottom of the cowl,
sort of like very short exhaust pipes, to which I will run my air ducts from
the plenum, behind the oil cooler.  These will protrude somewhat from the
bottom of the cowl, and I think that I should cut them at an angle to create
that "sucking" effect.

Now for the question.  Does anyone have an EDUCATED opinion on the angle, to
the air stream, at which I should cut these tubes to get the maximum "suck"?

See N64KR at http://KRBuilder.org - Then click on the pics 
See you at the 2007 - KR Gathering
There is a time for building and a time for FLYING and the time for Flying
has begun.
Daniel R. Heath - Lexington, SC

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