I am not sure why you really asked that question. You bolt an axle to your gear leg and slide the wheel on the axle and it is held on with a nut. Randy, you need to be much more specific in your questions so that we can give you educated answers and not smarta$$ ones like I just did. Do you need help figuring out how to mount the axle, wheel, calipers or what? We need to know more about your gear. Who made it and what type is it, etc.....
Mark Jones (N886MJ) Wales, WI Visit my web site: www.flykr2s.com E-mail: flyk...@wi.rr.com ----- Original Message ----- From: "randy white" <zakk_1998...@msn.com> > yes they are !!! how do i mount them? >>From: "Mark Jones" <mjo...@muellersales.com> >> >>Hey Randy, >>I just looked at your site and it looks like you have a big head start >>with that plane. Absolutely, you can use the wheels and brakes you have >>on the retracts. I would replace those tires though. Are those 5" >>wheels? >>-----Original Message----- >>Behalf Of randy white >>can i use my wheels and breaks that were mounted on my retracks?can they >>be >>converted over? thanx Randy my web site is almost together im haveing >>trouble with my pictures !!! but if you click on the pictures they will >>open!!!http:// www.randyskr2.com