thanks for your answers. i want to put the wood sheets
between the ribs. do you know the thickness of the
polyurethane foam that are between the ribs ??

--- Mark Langford <> escribió:

> Pete wrote:
> > I think you make those wings too heavy, as you
> will have to make it
> > quite thick, or you will not be able to sand it to
> shape.
> Surely he's talking about using thin sheets to skin
> between the ribs.  Other
> planes are built that way (such as the Cassutt
> Racer).  With thin balso wood
> sheets and a couple of layers of fiberglass, I'll
> bet it would be both light
> and strong.  Sound like some testing would be in
> order to measure the weight
> difference, but it would have to be stronger, and
> would be far less likely
> to delaminate than glass stuck to weak foam.
> Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama
> see KR2S project N56ML at
> email to N56ML "at"


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