Talking about bellyboard ground clearance !!  The Longezes had a spring loaded 
bellyboard. The idea was to prevent deployment or to cause retraction if too 
much airspeed/air pressure was applied to them. 
The same principal could be applied to the KR2. One of the ideas that flashed 
across my brain is if the belly board was close to the ground when deployed 
with a spring loaded extension system, then  hit something as in a rough field 
landing because lack of ground clearance, the springs would absorb the shock, 
let the belly board flex up instead of tearing up a direct linkage system or 
your electric motor drive, then re-extend itself once past the obstruction.
Another thing to be wary of is placing the extension rods or motordrive where 
it could jam into your spine if you landed hard enough to damage the bottom of 
the aircraft.
Larry H.

>    My
>board is 10" x 30", 1/16 aluminum with a couple 3/4" U channel aluminum
>  I'm building a standard KR2 with retractable
>Brad Ankerstar

A 10 inch belly board with retracts?  Are you sure you will
have enough ground clearance?  I'd want nothing less
than 6 inches clearance and that's plenty close.

Larry  Flesner

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