Jeff Scott is right on about home built aircraft.Just use common sense and 
the adage if they don't ask they really don't want to know.I believe that 
according to the FAR's if you rebuild or replace a engine you do fall back 
into the test phase.But that is not a bad thing.It is a good idea on a fresh 
engine certified or experimental to stay close to the airport for atleast a 
few hours.Even if it is professionally built.Even the so called experts make 
mistakes.As for 337 again Jeff is correct,they do not apply to home 
builts.After your plane is certified the impression I get from the FAA is 
good luck and don't call us we'll call you.Now that is the local FSDO 
here,yours may be different.

Bob Glidden
KR2S N181FW (building)
Corvair 110 

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