>"After incorporating a major change as described in FAR 21.93, the 
>aircraft owner is required to re-establish compliance with FAR 
>91.319(b) and notify the geographically responsible FSDO of the 
>location of the proposed test area.  The aircraft owner must obtain 
>concurrence from the FSDO as to the suitability of the proposed test area.
>He made it clear that unless I was changing the engine make or 
>model, I was not making a "major change", and that I would not have 
>to file any paperwork, just make the two logbook endorsements mentioned above.
>Mark Langford

So, I'm wondering, if you didn't change engine make and model, and 
according to the FSDO
person didn't make a major change, why does he say it has to go back 
through a test period?
Seems to me a simple log entry as to the engine change would suffice 
and go fly.  I suspect that there are no two people in the FSDO/s or 
DAR's that will interpret the reg's the same.
Too much gobbledy gook and wiggle room in that ton of paper they call 
the FAR's.
The only time it will matter anyway is if you have an accident and 
then they already have you
by the "gonads" anyway.  :-)

Larry Flesner

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