OK Guys,
        Your flattering yourselves to think no one has thought of that or
tried it before and it apparently is not in the cards for now and may
never be. You certainly are not taking into consideration any sentimental
value that this airplane design has to Mrs. Robinson.
        A little less typing and a little more discretion may be in order
Joe Horton, Coopersburg, PA.

> Last, I offer a resolution.  In an ideal world the plans should be  
> sold or 
> turned over to those who keep the design alive.  Those who show up  
> at the 
> national meet with a flying airplane are the people I speak of.  If  
> it wasn't for 
> these people the design would have ended up like so many  other 
> designs, just 
> a memory.  The plans could be purchased from a group of  KR 
> enthusiasts with 
> updates being done on a regular basis.  If Jeanette  wants to stay 
> in it for 
> the $$, give her some of the proceeds from the  sales.  I think 
> everyone 
> involved would benefit.  Those who are  wanting plans could get them 
> right away, 
> Jeanette would get her money, and the  design would improve through 
> updates from 
> knowledgeable people.  
> Thank you to those have put so much of themselves into the KR  
> design.    
> Kevin in Missouri

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