        I finally got to fly again last evening for an hour. I was
surprised a little by how unorganized I was or felt in panel scan to
watching out the window  but flying wise I felt fine. Anyway I used the
time to try and duplicate as best I could Mark's full throttle numbers.
At 2200 ft  and 3000 rpm I calculated 151.2 mph TAS and at 7500 and 3230
rpm I had 168.5 mph TAS. My engine is running fine and the exhaust span
between all cylinders stayed between 30 and 50 deg. I have mentioned
before that I have some abnormality going on that I will figure out some
day but my max rpm may only be 3230 with most days it being 3350 rpm. At
the 3350 rpm it has always calculated out to 171.5 mph TAS I just don't
know where the extra rpm goes away to. It could be as simple as the
throttle cable flexing and not getting full rpm. 
        All and all I am still very happy. I can still fly around with
Mark and Dan with out them becoming a speck to quickly. 
Joe Horton, Coopersburg, PA.

On Fri, 09 Mar 2007 23:34:50 -0500 "Ron Milan" <>
> Mark:  Thanks for the data.  Seems that the figures are very similar 
> to Dan 
> Weseman's Cleanex. Your Vair powered KR and his Vair powered Sonex 
> (both 
> 3100 "big Boy" engines) have about the same net weight and 
> apparantly nearly 
> the same drag.  The performance data are extremely close!  The sonex 
> is one 
> of the air frames that I am considering.  Both of these plains are 
> very low 
> drag excellant low wing performers and ironically both were actually 
> designed around the VW power plant.  What type of air strip is 
> available at 
> your Father's farm?  How well does your KR set down on grass field 
> landings? 
> Stay in touch and Thanks Again!  Ron
> > Ron Milan wrote:
> >
> >> Hi  Mark: Glad to hear the "big boy" is up and running!  When you 
> get the
> >> opportunity, I would appreciate you shareing some fuel burn data 
> on the
> >> "big
> >> boy" verses the standard Vair.
> >
> > I had a nice flight to my father's farm yesterday and have two 
> spreadsheet
> > files that I'll post this weekend.  But here are a few quick data 
> points:
> >
> > WOT at 7500' turning 3600 rpm and burning 6.5 gph showed 151 mph, 
> or 170 
> > mph
> > TAS (I guess this is "75% power cruise speed")
> > WOT (wide open throttle) at 9,500' turning 3500 rpm and burning 
> 6.2 gph
> > showed 141 mph, or 164 mph TAS
> > thottled back at 10,500' to "economy cruise" at 3000 rpm burning 
> 3.8 gph
> > showed 118 mph, or 140 mph TAS.  That's 37 mpg, same as the 2700cc 
> engine.
> > That makes my Volkswagen look like a gas hog...
> >

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