> snip from original message below
> Most of the T-88 is mixed 3 parts resin to 1 part hardener.

I left the original e-mail complete because I am not sure who made the 
statement in it where T-88 is a 3 to 1 mixture. IT IS NOT !!! Someone does 
not know what they are talking about. Jim, I think that statement was not 
actually yours but whosever it is better get their facts straight before 
they get someone hurt. T-88 IS A 50/50 MIXTURE. Don't let anyone tell you 
any different. I have been mixing the stuff for ten years and I am still 
here to prove it. I do not think the manufacturer would mis-label their 
product for ten years.

Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Wales, WI
Visit my web site: www.flykr2s.com
E-mail: flyk...@wi.rr.com

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "JIM RALEIGH" <drale...@ktis.net>
To: "KRnet" <kr...@mylist.net>
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 3:16 PM
Subject: Re: KR> Glue Joints not holding

> of a FAA Examiner.
>> My Co-Builder (and Father) tried similar joints with a model airplane
> epoxy
>> (zpoxy) that was 10 years old and had better results!
>> The epoxy I have been using is T-88.   I hear this is the best stuff, but
>>> This was purchased in January of this year from Wicks and stored in my
>> basement until being taken to the garage when the temps got into the 50
>> degree range.  I do not see any crystals or other impuritys.  This was
> mixed
>> well for 2 - 4 min until a uniform white paste was created.  I have tried
>> measuing in both Paper cups by weight with a postal scale and by volume 
>> in
>> measured cups.
>> Any help would be apreciated!
>> The ratio of hardner to resin is very important.  I sounds to me that you
> are very rich in hardner.  If you use too much hardner then the cured
> product will be sticky  and weak. You say that the mixed product warms up
> quickly.  That is an indication of too much hardner (or to much mixing).
> Most of the t-88 is mixed 3 parts resin to 1 part hardner.  If you mix to
> much hardner you get short work times and weak product. If you use to 
> little
> hardner you get slow curing but near normal strength.  If your product has
> instructions to mix 50-50 it may be mislabaled
>> -- 
>> Brad Payne
>> www.n494bp.com
>> bradleyspa...@gmail.com
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