I'll chime in a little bit here.  Before flying my taildragger,  I did what 
Larry did with his KR.  I did a lot of taxing up and down the runway.  At first 
I would slowly add power while keeping the tail down.  As I felt more 
comforable, I picked a day when the wind was directly down the runway, and had 
my thoughts processes directed towards getting the tail up.  One thing I will 
add here is I recommend propping the tail up on a barrel, saw horse, whatever 
to give you an idea of your sight view with the tail up.  Why you ask?  You 
will have spent so much time sitting in your airplane, with the tail down, the 
sight picture with the tail up can be a little concerning if you are not 
prepared for the view.  Anyway, I progressed from simply tail up to tail up 
decreasing power and holding the tail up to decreasing the power and holding 
the stick in one place to driving the tailwheel down.  I did this until I could 
keep the tail up and run it up and down the runway with no problem.  When I 
went for my tailwheel training, the examiner told be we were going to do some 
taxiing around in his Decath then go do some flying.  By the time I had taxied 
out to the threshold, he could see I had a handle on ground handling so he told 
me, "let's go.   The first couple of landing were not something I wanted the 
press to witness but all in all it was a non issue.   He told me, after and 
hour and half, we were wasting our time in the Decath it was time for the RV.  
My point is a tailwheel is just different, it's nothing to worry about.  I 
actually feel it has made me a better pilot.  Isn't that what we all want?  
Tailwheel, nosewheel, it doesn't matter one bit..........but if you go with a 
tailwheel........remember, it's like the secret handshake....when you get of 
the airplane and someone asks you what it's like to fly a tailwheel 
airplane.....uphold the tradition...."it's different, it's.........."  Don't 
let them know the truth.

Dana Overall 

1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host
Richmond, KY i39

RV-7 slider "Black Magic" 
Flying..well sorta, useta, kinda
Barrett Precision O 360 A1A
Hartzell C2YR-1BFP/F7497-2 

do not archive 

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