If you cross th3e boarder after Feb 2009, you will be required to have
the $1000 406 mHz ELT - http://www.eaa.org/news/2008/2008-09-04_elt.asp

This morning on AV-WEB>

Canadian 406 ELT Rule Confirmed

Canada will be closed to most U.S. light aircraft within about two years 
after Transport Canada affirmed its decision to make 406-MHz emergency 
locator transmitters mandatory on everything but gliders, balloons, 
ultralights and a handful of special-use aircraft. The requirement extends 
to all foreign-registered aircraft and includes those used for flights that 
begin and end in the U.S. but overfly Canadian territory, like the busy 
routes between the northern Midwest and eastern states, according to an 
e-mail sent to Canadian Owners and Pilots Association members by President 
Kevin Psutka last week. "We are at the end of a long battle to bring common 
sense to this issue," Psutka wrote. "Common sense has not prevailed." Psutka 
attended a meeting with stakeholders on the issue last week. Transport 
Canada, and the Canadian military, which handles most search and rescue 
operations in Canada, see the switch as necessary because search and rescue 
satellites will stop monitoring 121.5 MHz, the frequency used by most 
existing ELTs, as of Feb. 1, 2009. Of course, Psutka's main focus has been 
on the expense and inconvenience (not to mention logistical challenge) of 
equipping thousands of Canadian GA aircraft with the $1,000 (plus 
installation) devices. COPA believes better technology is available but 
being ignored in the rule. But he said the rule will also affect thousands 
of U.S.-based aircraft owners who plan to fly to Canada. The FAA is not 
planning to mandate 406-MHz ELTs and it's doubtful many American owners will 
voluntarily equip just so they can take a flying vacation in Canada.

Psutka said at least 63,000 foreign-registered light aircraft, 90 percent of 
them American-registered, touched down in Canada between May of 2007 and May 
of 2008. Figures for the number of overflights were not available. The new 
rule is set to take effect on Feb. 1, 2009, but a political crisis involving 
the current federal government makes implementation on that date unlikely. 
Transport Canada is planning on phasing in the requirement to allow 
manufacturers and maintenance facilities time to cope with the onslaught of 
installations. As the phase-in is now proposed, affected aircraft, including 
foreign-registered aircraft, will have to be equipped with an approved 
406-MHz ELT on Feb. 1, 2011, or during the last annual inspection before 
that date or it will be illegal for them to fly in Canadian airspace.

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