What happened to Ray? 

--- On Fri, 2/20/09, Dan Heath <da...@windstream.net> wrote:

From: Dan Heath <da...@windstream.net>
Subject: Re: KR> Fw: Ray Goree, KR2S
To: kr...@mylist.net
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: Friday, February 20, 2009, 4:33 AM

Yes. I know Ray.  He was at last years gathering, the same as always.  I
think he was in partners with his brother on the KR.  He was a very
enthusiastic builder, and like most of us, when we were still building, he
believed that Next Year, would be the year that he would fly his KR.  I am
saddened by his passing, and will be thinking of him. 

Daniel R. Heath - Lexington, SC 

A Long Distance Friend of Ray

-------Original Message-------

Mark:  You may be aware that Ray Goree passed away on Feb 13.  He spoke
highly of you and if you could let the KR Group know, I know that he would
appreciate it.  His wife will be selling his KR2S on e-Bay some time in the
near future.  I am helping her write the ad.

Dick Jones, Friend of Ray
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