Hey Guys,
Just to let everyone know I made it home safe from OSH 27 hours after I 
departed. It was an adventure in it's self. I won't bore ya with all the 
details but I learned a lot about flying long X-C with bad weather. My total 
flight time for the whole trip was about 15 .6 hours and likely over 2000 miles 
As for the people that still want more KR time at OSH, all I can say is that I 
feel that I did my part. I posted my cell phone number before I left, we let it 
be known what days we would attend and I stayed a day longer than I should have 
with the weather that I had to deal with. I have limited resources, and limited 
vacation time. I choose to spread both out over many events over a year and yes 
OSH is an endless money pit with no incentive to make a week of it. If it is KR 
you want get to the Gathering. If it is Corvair you want there was vendors 
available long after we left and I still try to attend those events at other 
times of the year. I have no vested interest in either -- Only the desire to 
have others join the group of flyers (and I enjoy the hell out of the company 
of all of those guys) 
   Lee and Glidden-for the record you were missed and we did talk about you 
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