There are bo-coos of discussion on brake lines in the archives. I don't remember seeing any of pros/cons of using steel lines. If there is, I just missed it. Since I am over 65, I have an excuse.... To: Jeff Scott. Jeff I cannot find 3/16 Nylaflex hose. I like your idea, of using 3/16 in lieu of 1/4 for less swelling (which is my current delima)...could you bring some to the gathering? I have found other make tubing but it is wall is too thick and the Ferrell/insert combination will not work with the thick wall. 3/16 steel tubing is readily available and I feel comfortable that I can arrange it in such a way that gear flex can be accommodated. If weight is a concern, I'll leave my pocket knife in the Ideas Please..
Howard Goodwin Washington, N.C. N742HG