I used polyurethane wood glue, the 30 minute type, it expands just enough to 
fill any gaps, although you have to remove foamed up bits before you sand 
otherwise they break off and gouge out the foam spoiling your day. Remember 
to wet the wood slightly, it acts as a catalyst, I use a garden spray 
I tried builders gapfilling foam in an aerosol, however it expands so much 
that it can distort the spars, especially on the horizontal stab (bitter 
The big advantage over using epoxy resin is that it dries in 30+ minutes on 
a warm day, so you can get on with things.
Peter Drake
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robin Macdonald" <>
To: "KRnet" <>
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 7:45 PM
Subject: KR> Glueing Foam


I am in the process of glueing the foam to the spars, wing leading & 
trailing edge, tail feathers, etc. I have made the main wing planks in a 
sandwich & they are floxed in placed. Now I want to do the leading & 
trailing edge & the tail feathers.

What is the preferred process to attach the foam to the spares etc. Some 
have used resin, & I understand some have used a sprayon 3M product.  If 
resin is a preferred process what mix have you used. straight resin, resin & 
micro,  or what do you suggest.

Much apprecaited for your reply


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