Well It's the dowhnill run, with an expected 7 weeks before I take my 
oral/practical. I had my doubts, and I'm so suprised, pleased and relieved that 
I've almost made it to the end. I just did my first solo Cross Country from 
Gulfport(KGPT) to Hammond Northshore (KHDC) today. Lots of turbulance due to 
the warming temperatures (FUN FUN FUN). I also had a 10G17 headwind on the 
runway, so I skipped it 3 times (80 MPH @ 30 degree flaps) but I added  100 rpm 
more on the 3rd bounce and got her settled onto 36. I got her back to Gulfport 
using the VORs and had a last minute gust push me to the west on my roundout, 
but  I arrested that about 2-3 feet before touchdown, and actually got a smooth 
landing in the end. Overall things are finally starting to work for me. I was 
not as nervious as I was last solo, but it WAS fatiquing none the less. Still, 
I kept up with my flight plan, landmarks and gas mileage calculations, as well 
as the radios and navaids. I also avioded encroaching on other airspace, and 
that shows a lot of progress. My next XC solo is Thursday to Dauphin Island AL. 
It's a shorter runway, but I expect I'll do fine. Each time gives me more 
confidance now. Especially being solo! Its sorta like being thrown in the pool 
and being told "Swim or DIE"!

BTW..I would love to hear from any and all of you one what to focus on for the 
oral exam. Oral tests never have been my strong suite.

Glenn Martin
EAA 479 
KR2 N1333A
Biloxi, MS, 39532

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