Suck-it-up Buttercup  ;-)  ;-)  ;-)       <note: 3 of those

Mark, I did you proud also! Launched down a set of stairs but real fancy 
'slate tile' ones & they don't flex....Twas a year ago last Jan....Knocked 
out for 45 mins, including the whole Ambulance ride> Two broken ribs the 
rest of em (leftside) fractured, compound brake of the collar bone....So, In 
just less than a month later Feb 3rd, I started with the Airline I still 
hump cargo/baggage/refuel for......Still bothers me to sleep on Left Side.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark Jones" <>
To: "KRnet" <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2010 6:24 AM
Subject: Re: KR>AirVenture Cup Race

>Jones...if you'll meet me and Dan Heath there, we'll have a KR class...

>Mark Langford

I do not know if I will be in any physical shape to race or not. Much less
make Oshkosh this year. A week ago, I had the misfortune of tripping and
falling down a flight of stairs. I hyper-extended my left shoulder and may
have torn the rotor cuff or other components in there. The doctor wanted me
to wait two weeks for the swelling to go down before we do an MRI. I am
scheduled to visit him this Friday and will know more then. So, if surgery
is in my near future, this would kock out any flying activities for a while.

Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Stevens Point, WI

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