Leif G Alstadsæter wrote:

> I'm going to build a KR2S. I have look and studies a lot about this little 
> bird.
> One thing I don't have a good answer to, is what kind of wing-profile I 
> should use.
> I have not the opportunities to try either the old or the new profile.
> Can somebody tell what the different to fly the old or the new profile?
> What is the advantage to fly one or the other?

The "new" AS504x wing profile has almost identical characteristics as the 
RAF48, except for lower drag, which translates into higher speeds and more 
efficiency.  Considering they are created the same way when scratch 
building, it is a "free lunch".  The thicker AS5048 tapering to AS5045 
yields more fuel capacity.  I believe Navaero now sells a version of the new 
AS504x airfoil. As Dan said, there's a lot more info on the subject of the 
new KR airfoil (designed specifically for the KR2S, but applicable to the 
KR2 and KR1 as well) at http://www.krnet.org/as504x/ .

Mark Langford
N56ML "at" hiwaay.net
website at http://www.N56ML.com

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