Hi Steve and Pete

Just wondering where you got this 5 hinge requirement from? It may have
applied under the old Australian ABAA (Amateur Built Aircraft Approval) but
I don't recall it.  In any case the ABAA is now obsolete and replaced by
Experimental. Under the latter, provided you can convince your Authorised
Person that it is safe (normally by reference to the manufacturer's plans)
then you should get a CoA. My KR2 has the stock three hinges per the plans
and has an experimental CoA. Search the archives for more info on 5 hinges,
the topic has been discussed previously. One point to consider is the hinge
pin alignment/bind when the tail plane or elevator flexes.

Under the Australian Experimental, the only government approvals you need
comply with are:

1.      An approved maintenance schedule, either your own one, the
manufacturers, or CASAs.

2.      Airworthiness Directives of which there are none for the KR2
specifically only general ones relating the engine, prop, cables, radios,
timber inspections, seat belts etc etc.

3.      The conditions on your CoA imposed by the Authorised Person (the
government's delegate).

You can also do your own maintenance if you built the aircraft but I
understand this is likely to change in the New Year unless you have
completed the SAAA maintenance procedures course...that reminds me, I'd
better do the open book exam this weekend...grrrr.

See Ya John


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