>I don't recognize your experience, a kr with a reasonable cg is a pussycat.

I'm with you , Pete.  With 1300+ hours in my log I'd have to say MY 
KR is one of the nicest, easiest flying airplanes I've ever 
flown.  As a tail dragger it handles as nicely as any tri-gear I've 
flown in the takeoff and landing phase.  In the air it flies so 
easily that you can almost wish it through maneuvers.   I've not had 
a single PIO in the 400 hours on my KR, not even  at  liftoff on the 
first flight and I had only 13 hours total tail wheel time on my 
first flight.  The C.G. has to be right, and you MUST secure your arm 
on your leg or an arm rest and fly with fingertips and wrist action 
only once you have enough speed to lift the tail.  I LOVE THE WAY MY 
KR FLYS..........

Larry Flesner

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