There's a number of ways to prevent this but my primary approach has
been, since the beginning of the internet age, to not use mailboxes at
all.  The spamming software sneaks in just to mine the addresses - I'm
not at all clever but I knew this from the beginning (read it in PC
Magazine I suppose) and use folders for everyone's email I want to keep. 
It's just as easy to go to a folder and create an email to someone as it
is to use a mailbox.   There are data mining programs that specifically
target the mailboxes of the major email clients and websites.  Why make
it easy for them?

Of course, an unprotected computer can be mined for whatever is on it,
including folders, but I pay attention to the basics and I've been okay
so far.  I get minimal spam even though every time I post to this
newsletter our emails get posted for the taking.  When it shows up I just
report it and that particular spam goes away.    

Glad everyone had safe flights and a good Gathering.  It's been a real
rocky patch lately and glad KR's have made no contributions to it.    
Great to see Steve's new KR-1 in this era of stretched,  extended and
expanded KR's.  They're all beautiful (except that one from Arkansas with
the shark teeth . . . :-)


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