Dan has it about right. Larry's advice is good; Join your local EAA Chapter. 
There are guys there that have been through the licensing, some multiple times. 
I've been working with Amateur Built Planes since the old days when GADO had to 
do phase insspections and sign all the annuals.

 I did a talk about licensing your amateur built plane last year for our EAA 
Chapter and posted my outline including links to examples of all the paperwork 
on our web site. 
 <http://eaa691.org/Licensing%20your%20plane.html>. Additionally, I went 
through licensing my Amateur Built SuperCub and walked my hangarmate through 
licensing his Sonex this summer, so feel free to email me directly and I'll try 
to answer any specific questions. If I look hard enough, I might be able to 
find an email from this summer with the complete packet of my paperwork 
including the program letter that I sent to the DAR when I requested the 

 Jeff Scott A&P
 EAA 691 Chapter Prez
 KR - N1213W
 SuperCub - N143W

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