I try to be really nice to my UPS lady because, she carried every part of my KR 
to the front door. 

Robert Pesak 

Hermitage, Tn 



----- Original Message -----

From: "Jeff Scott" <jscott.pla...@gmx.com> 
To: "KRnet" <kr...@mylist.net> 
Sent: Wednesday, January 4, 2012 5:05:49 PM 
Subject: Re: KR> project update 

Congratulations! Your plane is looking like we should be seeing it in Mt Vernon 
this fall. 

 I've had the same situation, except Fed Ex had rammed the prop through the end 
of the crate, then broke 4" off the tip. It took 4 months, several rounds of 
appeals, and a see you in court notice with Fed Ex Ground before they finally 
paid for it. Glad yours wasn't damaged. 

 -Jeff Scott 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: rkp...@comcast.net 
Sent: 01/04/12 03:42 PM 
To: krnet 
Subject: KR> project update 

 Hi Everyone, Just a update on my project. Last Friday the UPS Lady carried a 
long box up to the front door,I ordered a 60" x 68" pitch from Ed Sterba, after 
she handed it over I seen a hole punched through the 1/4 plywood.I thought this 
can't be,she was nice enough to stay lone enough while I remover about thirty 
screws to check every thing out. IT LOOKS GREAT! The only thing I need before I 
can start cutting on the prop spinner is the front bulk head. HAPPY NEW YEAR 
EVERYONE. Robert Pesak Hermitage, Tn http://photobucket.com/robertskrs 
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