There are 254 days left till the 40th anniversary celebration of KR flight. The 
Gathering web site says 242 days but the countdown timer has not been reset 
till the new Gathering date. This gives all you builders 12 more days to get 
your plane finished and to the Gathering. Will you be there for this 
celebration? Will your plane be there? We want at least 40 planes to fly in for 
the 40th celebration. Also, any projects brought in on trailers, in the back of 
your truck, or even hauled in by helicopter would be a great addition to the 
Gathering. Everyone loves to look at projects so please bring yours. Let's make 
this a KR Gathering to remember. 

P.S. Mark Langford better show up in his Swift cause I want a ride in 

Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Stevens Point, WI

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