Hey Dan,yes I have the OAT installed and did that a few years ago when I 
installed the remote compass. I ran the cable all the way back and came out 
under the horizontal stab a few inches so the sun doesn't get on it. I am 
getting the info from my old Lowerance 1000 (still one of the best ever made) 
You will love the wind speed and indicator. It makes deciding altitude a snap. 
On the trip home from SNF last week it made the difference in me making it 
home. I would have never chosen the altitude that I did on my own. It made a 
difference in head wind of about 10 mph and over a 6 hour flight that is 

---------- Forwarded Message ----------
From: "Dan Heath" <da...@windstream.net>
To: <joe.kr2s.buil...@juno.com>
Subject: Dynon
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2012 05:47:24 -0400


Did you install the OAT for the D10-A?  If so, where did you locate the sensor? 
 Also, are you getting the NMEA from an Ifly?  I am not quite ready to put in 
an autopilot yet, but am going to hook up my D10-A so I can get TAS, Windspeed 
and direction.

Gotta fly over to see Mark L. pretty soon to return the Dynavibe to him.

See N64KR at http://KRBuilder.org - Then click on the pics 
See you at the 2012 - KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Il &ndash; MVN &ndash; 40th 
There is a time for building and it is over.
Daniel R. Heath - Lexington, SC

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